Giving The Glory

Offering The Glory
Jesus’ ministry was to proclaim God. The Holy Spirit’s ministry was to glorify Jesus. To glorify ways to recognize as well as praise. Jesus’ message was to expose God’s Word to the “chosen.” The Holy Spirit’s message was to disclose Jesus’ Word to the Follower. Jesus’ obedience to God’s Word brought honor and praise to His Heavenly Daddy. The Holy Spirit brings magnificence as well as honor to Jesus by opening an understanding of words to the saints. When we talk, live, as well as present the Word, we honor not only Jesus however God too.
Christians are not warranted by listening to words, but by approving and also living words. There are a great deal of Believers that have set themselves to listen to the Word, yet have actually failed to actually understand the Word. The Word is validated in the Believer through activity. God is not honored by our attendance in a praise experience, however by our attention to the Word. To hear the Word, and afterwards not do anything with the Word, does not bring splendor to Him. To stand in a praise service and also commend the Lord, while stopping working to live words during the week, does not bring splendor to God. What brings glory to God is being a living example of Jesus.
Hours before His betrayal Jesus prayed, “I have pietistic thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” (John 17:4) Jesus’ whole life was around being loyal to God’s Word. Followers are asked to do no less.
At the Last Supper, Jesus spent hours discussing what was mosting likely to happen in the lives of His disciples. Jesus informed them that they understood the means He was to go. Thomas spoke up and also informed Jesus that they did not recognize where He was going, and also how could they know the way? (John 14:4, 5) Jesus said that He was “The way, the reality, as well as the life; no man cometh unto the Dad however by me.” (John 14:6) He after that informed them that if they had actually truly recognized Him, they would certainly have recognized the Father. Philip spoke out as well as said, “Program us the Dad, and it will certainly suffice us.” Jesus reacted by mentioning to Philip that He had been with him all those years, and also yet he did not know Him? (John 14: 8, 9) Just before leaving the Upper Space for Gethsemane, the adherents declared their idea by declaring they thought that He came from God. Jesus then tested their confession with the straightforward inquiry, “Do you now believe?” Actually, He told them in simply a few hrs they would spread as well as leave Him alone to encounter His oppressors. (John 16:32).
After Jesus’ crucifixion, the real fact of their idea was shown by their hiding behind a secured door. Thomas would even question 3 days later on that Jesus in fact rose from the dead. (John 20:25) When Jesus showed up to them, He “… upbraided them with their distrust as well as hardness of heart …” (Mark 16:14).
One can pay attention to words, however not really listen to words. The proof of our hearing is what we do with words. Idea is activity. Confidence is obedience to words. Over 3 years the adherents walked as well as talked with Jesus, yet with their absence of understanding failed to really realize the Truth. It was not until they were loaded with the Holy Spirit that Confidence gave birth to activity. We might recognize the address of a Bible, yet until we understand how to resolve the Word, we have actually limited our spiritual walk.