International Nonprofit Water4 Hits Milestone of Two Million People Impacted Through Safe Water

Water4, an international nonprofit focused on building sustainable businesses as a solution to the global water crisis, is heading into 2023 having achieved a significant all-time milestone, surpassing over 2 million people impacted through safe water. Founded in 2008 by Oklahoma City natives and business owners, Dick and Terri Greenly, Water4 has spent the last 14 years building sustainable local water businesses across nine countries in rural Africa that not only provide safe water but safely managed water - ensuring that wells are not left broken just months after they’re installed like so many across the continent. The Greenlys founded Water4 out of discontent with the water crisis that affects 2 billion people and claims the lives of 3.4 million people annually, and a calling to take action using the resources and experience they had from running their company, Pumps of Oklahoma. Today, they celebrate over 2 million people impacted by safe water, water sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) training, and sharing the Gospel through business-based solutions. “We started Water4 because God’s plan doesn’t include a water crisis. Now, 14 years later, we’re ecstatic to see over 2 million people’s lives changed through safe water, and can’t wait to continue to help Water4 bring an end to the water crisis through building local solutions,” Dick and Terri Greenly. Water4 pursues its vision of a world where everyone has access to safe and Living Water, by empowering and equipping entrepreneurs to operate water businesses in their own communities. This not only offers a local, and more effective, solution to the water crisis, but it currently provides over 650 opportunities for employment and is a long-term exit strategy for Water4, eventually allowing these businesses to sustain safe water access without the aid of charity. This milestone comes just two years after Water4 completed its first district, providing the entire area of Wassa East, Ghana, with safe water coverage, and proving their model’s feasibility and sustainability. For the team over at Water4, they continue to work for more growth, setting their sights on impacting 7 million people by 2030. ### Source: Water4