MAGPIE to Announce the Launch of a Dealer Focused Platform at NSCC

MAGPIE will attend the National Sports Collectors Convention (NSCC) on July 27, 2022, held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The event brings together collectors, dealers, and groups interested in sports memorabilia and collectibles under one roof and is the 42nd in the NSCC’s history. “The NSCC provides us with an amazing opportunity to meet the people who can make the most use of our platform,” says Kathryn Harrison, Founder of MAGPIE. “But importantly, it’s a chance for us to show deal-makers that they have access to a platform that saves them time, helps them find rare collectibles, and ensures they leave no money on the table when selling sports memorabilia.” MAGPIE’s attendance at the mega-event allows it to showcase the benefits of its platform to collectors and deal-makers. MAGPIE has established itself as the leading provider of in-person digitization, cataloging and inventory of collectible assets. The MAGPIE platform is a first-in-industry software tool to help individuals, dealers, and wealth managers digitize, understand, and strategize collections. Leveraging data from multiple marketplaces, aggregators and auction houses, the platform integrates supply and pricing with accounting systems and e-commerce software, so that dealmakers, retailers and sellers can track inventory, price movements and financial position across large inventories of assets. This allows them to save hours of employee time spent checking pricing and manage their financial position more effectively. Users have access to market-wide listing and data analytics for the first time. MAGPIE users can tell the story of their collections, understand the true value of what they own, and join a community that provides expert insights into the collectibles industry. “We created MAGPIE because we experienced the frustration that many other collectors face,” says Harrison. “When I started cataloging my father’s collection, I soon found that it takes a tremendous amount of time to learn the true value of your collectibles. Many collectors only receive 10 or 20 cents on the dollar if assets are lost due to fire, flood, or unforeseen events. Together with other passionate collectors, MAGPIE set out to change that situation.” MAGPIE aims to democratize one of the most lucrative investment categories and spirited communities in the country. The platform opens the doors for deal-makers, collectors, and wealth managers to make informed and empowered decisions about how they invest their time, energy, and money, while gaining access to the MAGPIE community, an ever-growing network of experts and collecting enthusiasts who can help other MAGPIE users source and capitalize on deal-making opportunities. By attending the country’s largest sports memorabilia event, MAGPIE signals its intent to become a market leader in the collection deal-making space. Future members can get started at MAGPIE today. ## MAGPIE is a U.S.-based company providing collectible asset management and deal-making services to its users. For inquiries, email: [email protected] Source: MAGPIE